Announcing… VOYAGERS!

It's not really a secret that crowdfunding in comics is undergoing a lot of changes at the moment, with the emergence of Zoop and Kickstarter making changes. There’s a lot of differing opinions on this, but all of these changes inspired me to develop a new program that I’ve been working on for a while, and with that said, Foreign Press Comics is proud to announce Voyagers!

Here at Foreign Press Comics we’re all about teaching, educating, and helping other creators, and in the spirit of that, we’re launching our Voyagers program! A voyager is an explorer, someone who discovers, sees things that have never been seen before, and the FPC Voyagers program is no different. This is our attempt to offer an alternative to crowdfunding, where all of the funds raised will go directly to the creator, and the people who support will get EXCLUSIVE information about the creative process behind each Voyagers project. More information can be found here.

Not all of our projects will be a part of the Voyagers program, at least not yet. The plan is for Fletcher Cross to come back on a more traditional crowdfunding website. But we’re launching this program in the third quarter of 2022, with a new project from J Schiek! This is a project that we’re excited to launch, because it gives us the opportunity to use our Voyagers program, and it lets us tell a story from a great creator! By no means are we just using this as a way to test out the Voyagers program. This is a book and a creator that we believe in, and a story we want to tell!

We really hope that you will come with us on this voyage! (pun completely intended)


And a new book by J Schiek!


The 2022 Slate